In a file column you can save one or more files and thus add documents to the respective row .
How to create a file column

- Click the [+] symbol to the right of the last column in your table.
- Give the column a name in the upper field.
- Select the File column type from the drop-down menu.
Upload new files
You can upload files in the file column by clicking on a cell with the mouse and selecting the plus icon that appears. In the newly opened window you can drag and drop files or click with the mouse to upload files from your device.
Upload multiple new files at the same time

- Click in the cell of a file column.
- Click on the plus icon that appears.
- A new window will open. Here you can drag and drop or click to upload files from your device.
- Select multiple files at once by selecting all the documents you want to upload and uploading them together.
Adding existing files
Besides new files that you upload locally to the cell of a file column, you can also add existing files, which can come from three sources:
- Last uploaded: Here you will find the most recently uploaded files saved in the Base file manager.
- My folders: Here you have access to files in your own folders, which you can create and fill in the file manager.
- Seafile: Here you can select files from Seafile libraries that are attached to your Base.

- Click in the cell of a file column and then on the plus icon that appeared.
- A new window will open. In the navigation on the left, select the source from which you want to add a file.
- Click through the folder structure to the desired file.
- Select the file and paste it into the cell by clicking Submit.
Download files

- In the File column, double-click the cell that contains the documents you want to download.
- A new window opens. Here are listed all the files that are stored in the cell.
- So you can create a single file download
- Hover the mouse cursor over the document and click the download icon .
- So you can Multiple files download
- Click Select.
- Select the Select all option or put check marks in the boxes in front of the files.
- Then click Download.
If you want to download all files in a column, open the drop-down menu above the column header and select Download all.
You can then specify your own file name and the number of files contained in the export will be displayed.
If you click on the three dots, you have two options for saving the file: When downloading, a zip file is saved on your device from which you can extract all files. You can also save the files in Seafile. To do this, you must first connect a Seafile library to your Base.
Rename files

- Open the All Files window by double-clicking on a cell in the Files column.
- Hover the mouse cursor over the file you want to rename and click the three dots.
- Select the Rename option and enter a new file name.
Delete files

- Open the All Files window by double-clicking on a cell in the Files column.
- So you can create a single file Delete
- Hover the mouse cursor over the file you want to delete and click the three dots.
- Select the Delete option.
- So you can Multiple files Delete
- Click Select.
- Select the Select all option or put check marks in the boxes in front of the files.
- Click Delete.
Frequently asked questions
Can a file be downloaded on a read share?
Yes. Even if a user has read-only permission, he or she can download files.
Can audio files be played in SeaTable?
No. To play audio files, you need to download them first.
Is it possible to change the order of files in a file column?
No, the order cannot be changed within a file column. The first uploaded document comes first. By the order in which you upload the documents, you can determine the order within the file column.