SeaTable stores all changes that are made in a Base. Within a row the rows-Log offers the possibility to track exactly when which user has made which change.
The rows-Log
- Move the mouse to the numbering field of a row and click the double arrow icon.
- In the opened Line Details window, click the square door icon in the upper right corner.
- The window expands. Click Logs to the right of the comments.
In the rows-Log you will find in antichronological order the most recent changes made in the row . Each log entry contains the following information:
- Name of the processor
- Date of the change
- Affected column
- Description of the change
Showing and hiding the comments and logs of a row
By default, the comments and logs are hidden when you open the row details. By clicking the small door icon you can expand this area and display the information.
Differences between rows- and base log
The rows log only gives you an overview of the changes in a specific row. If you want to view all changes in a base instead, the base log will help you.