The columns Last editor and Edited date are exclusively filled automatically by SeaTable and therefore represent special column types. They prove to be extremely useful if you want to track when and by whom an entry was last edited.
Since the two columns automatically capture changes to entries, they are well suited, for example, as triggers for automations as well as for filters and sorting.
The columns Last editor and Editing date
While SeaTable fills the Last Ed ited column with the name of the user who last edited a row , the Edited Date column records the exact time (date and time) when the last edit occurred.
Special features of the two column types
- You cannot manually change the automatically entered values in the Last editor and Edit date columns. The values update themselves as soon as a change is made to a row .
- When creating the two types of columns, apart from the column name, no options are available.
- Only one column of each type can be created per table. If you try to create another column of the same type, the message "Another column has this column type." appears.
- For this reason, you cannot duplicate Last Edited and Edited Date columns and customize their column type.