Frequently asked questions
- Does SeaTable also work on mobile devices and mobile phones?
- Credit card payments could not be completed
- I forgot my password. Can I reset it?
- The confirmation email doesn't arrive, what now?
- Is it possible to merge two SeaTable accounts?
- Can I use SeaTable offline?
- What are the technical requirements of SeaTable Cloud?
- Does SeaTable also have a dark theme?
- How can I subscribe or unsubscribe from the SeaTable newsletter?
- What to do if you have exceeded the limits?
- Why are there two release options in one Base?
- How to export the base structure (e.g. for a forum entry)?
- How do I find missing data in a base?
- How long are the different items stored in SeaTable?
- What's the difference between individual shares and shared records?
- Why can't I delete the first column of my table?
- How to find out who added a row ?
- What is the rows-ID?
- Read-only access because limits reached?
- How do I change my email address?