Using this page type, which works in a similar way to the data query app, you can search your data records for specific values across certain fields. The page type is particularly useful for extensive data records such as product catalogs or libraries. A specific use case could be, for example, querying an employee directory.
Page settings
If you want to change the settings of a page, click on the corresponding cogwheel symbol in the navigation bar.
Preset filters, sorting and hidden columns
In the page settings, first define the table to be searched.
You can then define preset filters, sorting and hidden columns to limit and organize the data displayed for users. To filter or sort, click on Add filter or Add sorting, select the desired column and condition and confirm with Submit.
Users can see all the information of the applicable data records in the query results if you do not restrict them. Therefore, decide which data should be visible and show or hide the corresponding columns using the sliders.
Add query fields
Query fields are of central importance for this type of page. They allow users to search the selected table columns for specific values and thus find data records. Click on Add field in the page settings to define a query field.
You can then select the desired column and set whether the query field should be required, whether a fuzzy search is possible and whether upper and lower case are taken into account when making entries.
Add note
You can add an introductory note to your query page, which can contain explanations on how to fill in the query fields, for example. To do this, simply activate the slider in the page settings and write the note in the text box that appears.
Page authorizations
At the bottom of the page settings, you can restrict who can see the query page.
This is the only page authorization you have to choose from for query pages - because no rows can be added, changed or deleted in the table via query pages.
However, after a successful data query, app users can click on buttons in the displayed hit list to perform certain actions.
One application example is an internal job board: the query page allows you to quickly search for relevant positions. If an interesting position is found, a click on the button in the search results is enough to apply for the position directly.
Other helpful articles
If you only need the query functionality described above for your application, you can also use the data query app directly instead of a universal app.