Template from

Luke from SeaTable

Luke from SeaTable

Working student marketing


Everyday life


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Sneaker collection

This makes collecting fun! From now on you have all your favourite collectibles at a glance. Use template Preview

Are you a hunter-gatherer and slowly losing track of your most valuable collectibles? No problem. Whether sneakers, coins or stamps: We have the right template for you.

Record all your best pieces in our clear template and bring structure to your collection. Sort by an unlimited number of properties such as brand, rarity and price. Do you like to sell, swap and trade? Perfect! Register your most valuable contacts at the same time and stay connected with them.

You can hardly wait? Then get started straight away!

Find out why you should manage your collection in our blog post.

Interactive template

Scroll through our interactively embedded template or read the description by clicking on the i symbol after the template name. This will give you a better feel for the functions. If you have any questions, we recommend our help section.