Template from

Philipp from SeaTable

Philipp from SeaTable

Marketing Manager




  • Filtering
  • Grouping
  • Data processing
  • Views
  • Gallery (Plugin)
  • Sorting
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Price comparison

Make price comparisons for products or investments and find the best price. Use template Preview

You want to make a purchase soon and are looking for a way to compare different prices with each other? With SeaTable you keep the overview, no matter how many products or how many prices you want to compare.

Due to the automatic color highlighting, you will always keep track of the prices. The cheapest prices have a light hue, while the most expensive retailers get a dark hue. The different views allow you to filter exactly on the products or features that matter.

In a second table you record additional details and with the help of statistics you can additionally visualize the results.

Interactive template

Scroll through our interactively embedded template or read the description by clicking on the i symbol after the template name. This will give you a better feel for the functions. If you have any questions about SeaTable, we recommend our help section.