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Kevin from SeaTable

Kevin from SeaTable

Communication Manager


Everyday life


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Password Manager

Never forget a password again and keep track of your online accounts. Use template Preview

Online banking, email accounts, messengers, social networks, clouds or streaming services - in today's digital age, our online lives are becoming increasingly important. This makes it all the more difficult to keep track of all accounts and passwords.

With SeaTable's password manager you'll never forget your credentials again: store all your accounts, usernames and passwords in our template, which can be extended as you wish. Thanks to the categories, you can easily sort the data by account type. On top of that, keep track of your monthly expenses for paid subscriptions.

Last but not least, you can keep notes on what should happen to your respective accounts in case you die or become legally incapacitated. In this case, a person you trust should definitely have or be given access to your password manager. You can learn more about digital inheritance in our blog article.

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