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Tanja from SeaTable

Tanja from SeaTable

Working student marketing




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Kanban Board / Trello Alternative

Manage plans, projects and tasks with SeaTable's Kanban board. Use template Preview

A structured approach is required in project management - many project management teams use the Kanban method for this. It consists of a Kanban board with Kanban cards on which important tasks are noted. The cards are sorted according to work status:

  • To do

  • In progress

  • Done

With a Kanban board, ongoing work steps are visualised, processes are streamlined and there is a continuous flow of cards from "To Do" to "Done".

There are well-known tools for a digital Kanban board, such as Monday or Trello, but despite their flexibility, they can reach their limits when it comes to overarching functions and more possibilities. This is where SeaTable comes in and offers a valuable alternative to Trello with the Kanban plugin, which is also suitable for many other use cases.

Visualise your complete project flow in your SeaTable Base and design your Kanban board according to your needs. You want a classic Kanban board according to work status? No problem! Or do you want to organise your projects according to an internal development process? That's not an issue either. SeaTable offers you the flexibility you need for your projects. In our article, you will learn exactly how to use the template and which features you can expect.

Our template already visualises an extensive project with different tasks. With the Kanban plugin, you structure your project and give your team clear tasks. The timeline plugin also enables detailed and targeted scheduling of your project so that all steps are planned accurately and realistically. Furthermore, we have integrated a problem-centred ticket system that your employees can use themselves to solve problems.

The big advantage: SeaTable can not only be used as an alternative to Trello, but can also be used for countless other applications in human resources, sales, marketing or administration. This way you have a software that you can use across the board and reduce the use of different programmes.

Interactive template

Scroll through our interactively embedded template or read the description by clicking on the i symbol after the template name. This will give you a better feel for the functions. If you have any questions, our help section is at your disposal.