About Linda Schmitz

Linda is a working student in the field of text, content and editing. Her dream is to do 'something with media' later on. In her free time, she loves to talk about the latest movies and share a movie quote or two.

Entries by Linda Schmitz

Cover letter: How to convince every recruiter

Whether it's an internship, apprenticeship or permanent position - the first step on the way to your dream job is always a successful application. Have you found lots of interesting job vacancies, but writing applications is giving you a headache? Don't worry, you're not alone. For many people, the letter of application is a major obstacle, as it requires an honest self-assessment and involves a lot of time-consuming formulation of your own skills. Below you can find out what you should pay attention to.

Organizing animal husbandry - how to keep your pet in a species-appropriate way

A pet brings you joy, is a soulmate or is simply beautiful to look at. But keeping a pet also involves work, because you are committing yourself for a long time and have to take your pet's needs into account. Here you can find out how to organize species-appropriate pet ownership and what conditions you and your household should meet to be able to offer an animal a good home.

Bullet journal - how to organize your life with creativity

In often stressful everyday life, it is difficult to balance tasks, appointments and your own interests. To make sure you don't lose sight of the things that are really important to you in life in the daily pile of monotonous routines, it helps to write them down. A bullet journal is ideal for this, in which you can record everything important and give free rein to your creativity. In this article, you will find out what you need to know to design a bullet journal to your liking.

Habit Tracker - how to change your habits in the long term

We often make good resolutions for the future and then don't manage to follow them through. On the other hand, many unpleasant patterns of behavior have become established in our everyday lives and have quietly and secretly become habits. Getting rid of them or, in the best case, turning them into good habits requires a lot of time, discipline and perseverance. But with a habit tracker, you can succeed in this endeavor.

Meal Prep - healthy and inexpensive meal preparation

Eating as cheaply and healthily as possible with as little time as possible - a trend from the USA promises exactly that. A balanced diet is often neglected in stressful everyday life. Instead, we often reach for fast food or unhealthy snacks during lunch breaks, for example. In this article, you will find out what Meal Prep is all about, what you should look out for and how you can create a smart meal plan.

How to plan and carry out your move without stress

You've found the perfect apartment for you and can't wait to move into your new home. The only thing separating you from your dream apartment now is the move. What for most people means a lot of stress and time, you can make easy for yourself with a structured moving plan. Find out here how you can plan your move as stress-free as possible and bring it to a successful conclusion.

Stock up on emergency supplies: What you should always have at home

What would you do if the power and water supply suddenly failed across the board? In Germany, this is very unlikely, but in other parts of the world, damage to infrastructure is more common. Many people are not sufficiently prepared for such and other emergency situations. That's why it's advisable to take the best possible precautions and stock up on emergency supplies of food, water, hygiene articles and medicines. The article tells you everything you need to know about this.

Create a cleaning plan according to your wishes

Anyone who lives with several people under one roof knows the situation: dirty dishes are piling up in the sink, the shower drain is clogged, and you really should vacuum again. But no one feels responsible and the annoying work remains undone. To put an end to the chaos, an individual cleaning plan for your household is the solution. Here you can find out everything you need to know to create your cleaning plan.