About Ralf Dyllick-Brenzinger

Ralf Dyllick-Brenzinger is the founder and managing director of SeaTable. He is the strategic mastermind of SeaTable and the master of numbers. He loves his fiancée's cookies and a good bike ride.

Entries by Ralf Dyllick-Brenzinger

Comparison of reference management programs: tips for academic work

A reference management program makes it easier for you to work on larger scientific projects. You prevent errors in reference lists, have your sources at a glance and can organize them by topic. If you have to comply with citation requirements, the reference software will help you to implement them. Read on for tips on how to work successfully with a reference management program and find the solution that suits you best.

SeaTable 3.3: Improved form editor and HTML e-mail support

SeaTable fans will receive their Christmas present today: version 3.3 of SeaTable with its numerous improvements and new features. The completely revised form editor in block design offers new freedoms and additional functions for the design and use of web forms. In addition to text e-mails, SeaTable now also sends formatted HTML e-mails. The extended editor for formatted text makes this a [...]

SeaTable 3.2: Interactive formula wizard and improved column types

Welcome SeaTable 3.2! In the new release SeaTable's column types are in the spotlight: The formula column wizard is now interactive and offers significantly improved error correction. Buttons in the column type of the same name now allow to perform multiple actions with one click. New functions in the file column simplify the management of files and the selection columns also offer a [...]

SeaTable 3.1: Enhanced page design plugin and new big data backend

We are happy to introduce the latest version of SeaTable! The release is only a "minor" release, but it comes along quite big. The advanced page design plugin now offers more options to design and manage sophisticated templates. New features also allow for completely new usage scenarios. The Big Data Backend, which [...]

Five reasons why a well-maintained employee directory makes your day-to-day work easier

Who is the expert for which department? What is the colleague's e-mail address again? And who fits best into the team of the new marketing project? The search for answers to these or similar questions can quickly become a time-consuming challenge. Unless your company has a well-maintained employee directory.

Why this is a must for any company that wants to have the best overview of its employees, what types of employee directories there are and how you can easily create a clear employee list, you will learn in this article.

Planning marketing campaigns: 6 practical tips for easy planning

If you want to really push your company forward and clearly stand out from the competition, you need one thing above all: extremely good marketing. How good this actually is depends on the respective marketing campaign and its planning. And this raises several questions: What is a marketing campaign anyway? When is it good and when is it not? And how can the implementation and planning of the marketing campaign be optimally combined?