About Ricarda Bucher

Ricarda is a working student at SeaTable in the marketing department. Her hobbyhorse is visual communication on Pinterest and Instagram, because no one knows how to tell stories with good pictures like she does.

Entries by Ricarda Bucher

Organized store management with SeaTable

With the opening of new locations, not only the turnover grows, but also the organisational effort. Now it is important to keep an overview. Our Store Management Template helps you with the following questions: Where are your highest-turnover branches? Which shops need more attention because they have not reached the projected turnover? Where are new employees needed and how [...]

6 tips for more productivity in your remote team

Most companies take measures to enable working from home and organize online seminars or other events for their employees in addition to home office options. But: you start to miss even the most annoying colleague and the chat at the coffee machine is also missing. With a team that works almost exclusively remotely, it's sometimes difficult to stay up-to-date [...]

Customer Feedback 2.0: Your Ultimate Guide

Customer feedback is the basis for important decisions for many companies. No matter if you are a start-up, an established company or work independently, the feedback from your customers helps you to constantly improve your product. With our online tool, you receive a comprehensive solution that allows you to: Create questionnaires Integrate questionnaires via link or QR code on your channels Feedback received in your [...]

The perfect wedding planning with SeaTable

One of the most beautiful and important days in life is just around the corner: your own wedding. Nothing should go wrong here, which is why structured wedding planning is of great importance for most couples. What needs to be done 12 months before the wedding, what needs to be done 5 months before the big day, what needs to be [...]

How to save valuable time with an appointment booking system from SeaTable

How much time do you spend making appointments with customers and business partners? Either the phone is constantly ringing, pulling you out of your workflow again and again, or you write countless e-mails in order to finally come to a common denominator when making appointments. For your customers, too, the constant back-and-forth of scheduling and rescheduling [...]

Evaluate customer feedback easily in 3 steps

From qualitative raw data to a brand new product feature. It can take some time before a new feature emerges from a customer's comment. Nevertheless, the process is worthwhile and, with a suitable online tool, much easier than you might think. As a company, it is important to regularly collect and evaluate customer feedback and to use the resulting knowledge [...]

#1 How to get started - Your first spreadsheet at SeaTable

Whether you run a restaurant, started a fashion label, run a marketing agency or are a self-employed content creator, SeaTable can help you implement anything you can imagine. At SeaTable, you can create the perfect spreadsheet customized to your exact needs. We'll walk you through the steps today, so you can get started on [...]

Product launch - guaranteed to work!

Once you have successfully completed the product development process, nothing stands in the way of a product launch. While the development process is already very well structured at most companies, too little attention is usually paid to the product launch process. Have you really completed all the necessary steps and forgotten nothing? With our template and these 5 tips, there is nothing standing in the way of a successful [...]

Desperate in the home office - Our tips

The corona crisis is currently forcing millions of people to work from home. Some find it easy to adjust to the new situation, but many also struggle with it. You too don't really know how to get started in the morning? Do you keep forgetting your lunch break and instead eat your quickly made sandwiches in front of the PC? We give you [...]