With the help of automations, you no longer have to send e-mails manually to selected users, but can have them sent automatically. Simply define a corresponding automation for any table view.
Send emails via automation
- In the Base header, click and then click Automation Rules.
- Click Add Rule.
- Name the automation and specify the table and view in which it should act.
- Define a trigger event that triggers the automation.
- Click Add Action and select Send Email as the automated action.
- Confirm with Submit.

Creating the automation
First define a trigger event for the automation.
- Entries meet certain conditions after editing
- A new entry is added
- Periodic trigger
- Periodic trigger for entries that meet certain conditions
Then select Send email as the automated action.
In the next step, first select an email account from which you want to send the emails. In order to use your email account for sending, you first need to add it as a third party account in your SeaTable Base. You can find detailed instructions for this step here.
After selecting the email account, set the subject, recipient and content of the email. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas and in CC. After that, you also have the option to insert attachments from a file column.
Finally, confirm the automation by clicking Submit.
Application example
A concrete use case for this type of automation could occur, for example, if you work on the works council of a company. In this case, you want to automatically inform the HR department that you have approved the termination of an employee.
In concrete terms, this can be implemented with the help of a table in which various data of all your company's employees is maintained. In this context, you could record, among other things, the names of the employees, their employment status, and the status of their salary payments.
With the help of automation, SeaTable should now automatically send an email to HR as soon as you have approved the termination of an employee in the works council.
Creating the automation
First, give the automation a name and select both the table (employee list) and the view (employees ressort marketing) in which the automation should work.
As a trigger event of the automation, select the option Entries meet certain conditions after processing. To ensure that the emails are only sent in the event of an employee's termination, add as a filter condition that the entry in the status of employment column must be changed to terminated.
As an automated action you define the action Send e-mail.
In the next step, select an email account from which you want to send the emails to HR. In order to use your email account for sending, you first need to add it as a third party account in your SeaTable Base. You can find detailed instructions for this step here.
After selecting your email account, set the subject, recipient and content of the emails. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas and in CC. Finally, you also have the option to insert attachments from a file column.
When you have finished the email to be sent, confirm the automation by clicking Submit.
Testing the automation
If you subsequently change an employee's employment status to terminated in the selected table, the prefabricated email is automatically sent to the HR department to inform them of the termination.