Do you carry out an inventory every year or even every month? Then you've come to the right place! In this article, you will learn how to create your inventory list using a template, standardize the process and simplify your inventory. To do this, you can import an inventory list as a template in Excel or create your own template in Word. You will also find out what advantages a free database such as SeaTable offers over Excel and Word.
What is an inventory list?
An inventory list is a template that you can use to record the stock in your company. This can be a simple inventory list on paper, a complex table in a program such as Excel or a digital inventory list template in SeaTable.
Who has to keep an inventory list?
Every merchant and every company that is obliged to keep double-entry accounts must carry out an inventory. This must be carried out both at the opening of the business and after each financial year. You record the stock and create an inventory list.
What is the difference between stocktaking and inventory?
An inventory is the complete stock of a company, i.e. all the assets that your company owns. The inventory is the process by which you record your assets.
What counts as a company's inventory?
The assets (fixed and current assets) and liabilities of your company belong to the inventory and therefore to your inventory list. It is best to list both intangible and tangible assets. The debts follow in a further inventory list.
- Fixed assets include assets that are permanently used for your company's business operations. These can be real estate, machinery, technical equipment, vehicles, office furniture, financial assets or intangible rights and assets such as patents.
- Current assets are all assets that are only held in the company for short-term sale, consumption, further processing or repayment. These are usually the basis (e.g. raw materials and energy sources in stock) or the result (e.g. finished goods, bank balances, receivables) of the production process.
Why is it important to keep an inventory list?
Creating an inventory list is not only worthwhile for the balance sheet. After all, you always want to keep track of what assets your company currently has. An inventory list helps you to always have the currently available, desired or required inventory on your screen. By listing your assets, you can compare them over a longer period of time - provided you always use the same template for your inventory list.
What information belongs in the inventory list?
You should include the following items in your inventory list:
- the assets
- the type or category
- the counted quantity
- the condition
- the current value
- the storage location
- the time of recording
In addition, each item should be given a unique number as soon as you enter it in your inventory list. If still available, you can also attach the receipt or invoice and state the date of purchase and the unit price at the time.
An example of an inventory list is a table with these columns (click on the image to enlarge):
Let's move on to the practical part - how exactly do you create a template for the next inventory?
Create an inventory list template - what can Excel do?
One program that many companies already use is Excel. Here you can create a template for your inventory and use it again and again in subsequent years.
If you already have an inventory list as an Excel spreadsheet, you can use this as a template with just a few clicks. To do this, duplicate the existing file before opening it in Excel.
If you do not yet have a template for an inventory list in Excel, create your own without further ado: Open a new, empty Excel document. Think about which column headings you need for your inventory list (e.g. identification number, name, location, quantity and value) and type them in.
Then format the cells according to the required data types. For example, do you want to display numbers with two decimal places in a column? How should amounts of money or currencies be displayed? Are there negative values?
Once your formatting is complete, it's time to link the Excel columns with formulas. For example, type the heading "Total" into a cell next to the inventory list. You can then use the =SUM() formula to add up all the values at the end of the table.
Once you are happy with the structure of your inventory list, create your template as follows:
- Click on File > Save as.
- Select a storage location, for example This PC.
- Enter the desired file name.
- In the field below, select the file type, for example an Excel workbook with or without macros.
- Click on Save.
Advantages and disadvantages of Excel
The advantage of an inventory list in Excel is that many employees are already familiar with the program. Once the template is in place, the inventory can begin. However, subsequent changes or additions can be tedious.
One disadvantage of Excel is that recorded data cannot be accessed in real time by other employees or superiors. Everyone works on their own spreadsheets or accesses the documents via shared repositories. This can quickly lead to conflicts between file versions. Excel spreadsheets can also quickly become confusing and complex, while many users are only familiar with the basic functions of the software.
How to create an inventory list in Word
Almost everyone has probably used Word, the word processing program from Microsoft. If you only need a simple table as a template for your inventory list, which you may even want to print out and fill in by hand when taking stock on site, Word is ideal.
To do this, open an empty document, click on Insert and then on Table. You now have several options: For example, you can create an (unformatted) table with any number of rows and columns, use a formatted template or integrate an Excel table into your document that offers the functions mentioned above.
Regardless of which option you choose, you also decide in Word which column titles you need for your inventory list (e.g. identification number, item, type, location, quantity and value). You then enter your assets manually. This could look like this (click on the image to enlarge):
Advantages and disadvantages of Word
The biggest advantage of Word is that tables can be created quickly and intuitively, which means that even less IT-savvy employees can get to grips with it. You can even insert images into individual cells of your inventory list to illustrate the items.
Compared to Excel, however, tables in Word are not suitable for further calculations and evaluations, but only for pure text entry, where no other data types and formulas are provided for the spreadsheet. This may be sufficient for small companies with little inventory that only need simple lists for their stocktaking.
For larger companies with many items and more complex use cases, we strongly advise against keeping inventory lists in Word (unless you want to drive your accounting department crazy). This is where databases like SeaTable come into play, which make it very easy to keep track of and analyze large amounts of data.
How to create an inventory list with SeaTable
The SeaTable database software already provides you with a free template for inventory lists. To use it, simply register with your e-mail address and create a free account. Once you are logged in, proceed as follows:
- Add the template as a new base on your start page. You can find out how to do this in these instructions.
- Click on the base to open it.
- Read the base description and get an overview.
- Delete the sample data and fill the tables with your own inventory.
If you want to create your own inventory list template, you can delete or add as many columns as you like in the tables or start with a completely new base. You can then share your template with all your team members. You're done. Nothing stands in the way of your inventory.
What are the advantages of SeaTable?
Web-based programs such as SeaTable enable the collaborative creation and management of inventory lists with several people. The advantage over Excel is that everyone involved can view the data at the same time and all changes are synchronized in real time.
For example, you can avoid an outdated inventory list being used and managed in parallel by different employees. If, for example, the accounting department needs information from the inventory list, it can retrieve the latest version directly in SeaTable and does not have to wait until different employees have merged their versions.
You can also create web forms for stocktaking from tables in SeaTable. There you can guide your employees through the stocktaking process and give them more detailed instructions on what to record and what to look out for.
The visualization and evaluation of data in SeaTable is even more flexible and easier than in Excel. You can create statistics, use plugins for visualization or filter, sort and group the data using views.
Last but not least, you can save images and files such as PDF documents in SeaTable. Purchase receipts, invoices or photos of the current status during the inventory can be included in your inventory list.
Companies must keep an inventory list. A template, whether in Excel, Word or a database such as SeaTable, standardizes and simplifies the process. How you create a template for a digital inventory list varies from program to program, but follows similar steps.
Think about what information you need about your inventory, who is involved in the inventory and how many people need access to the data. How do you want to prepare the data and which functions are required for this?
Once you have clarified these basic questions, it's easy to get started. If you would like to use the SeaTable template for your inventory list, register for free and get started right away.