The SeaTable Changelog is only available in English.
Since February 2, 2022, SeaTable Cloud runs on version 2.7.9. All changes, updates, and improvements can be found in this changelog. Read more about this release in the release notes.
version 2.7.9
- FixedCommon dataset style (CSS) issue
Version 2.7.8
- FixedIssue when exporting a view to Excel on the mobile device
- FixedPreview issue when creating a new base from Excel
Version 2.7.7
- FixedAdvanced statistics plugin figure displaying issues
- FixedBase update notification email sending period issue
- FixedCommon dataset syncing issue when the date column format is not standard
- FixedDate format issue in the preview when creating a new base from Excel
- FixedIssue when exporting external link to dtable
version 2.7.6
- Removedgunicorn_access.log, gunicorn_error.log are removed
version 2.7.5
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- AddedA foot notice for the common dataset
- Addedoption to change to archive view/normal view
- AddedRussian language support in the calender
- FixedBase password feature bug fixes
- FixedColumn width adjustment issue after multiple columns frozen
- FixedCommon dataset displays linked single select options as label numbers
- FixedCommon dataset synchronization issue fix
- FixedGroup name verification and username modification issues
- FixedPDF preview page Reset button issue
- FixedSome style and feature issues
- FixedSorting by formula or link column issue in some plugins
- UpdatedError message improvement when exporting more than 1 million cells to Excel
- Updatedform design page improvement
- UpdatedImages can be uploaded into the long text in the form by anonymous users
- UpdatedOptimize the code to export a view to Excel
- UpdatedSystem admin's group>bases list information optimization
- UpdatedTable's name cannot contain / and \
- UpdatedTeam admin can list groups' bases
- UpdatedView menu display style optimization
Version 2.7.4
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- AddedForm support for setting up a background image
- FixedCalender print issue if the start of week is set to Monday
- Fixeddeduplication and data processing auto add link performance issue
- RemovedRemove 'T' from the log's time format
- UpdatedNo more than 500 columns can be imported from CSV
- UpdatedRelevant functions performance optimization for exporting to Excel
- UpdatedSpace can be used to separate multiple search criteria in the Add link dialogue
version 2.7.3
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- FixedCommon dataset filter issues
- FixedRow details page focus issue fix
- Updated"Recently upload" page optimization
- UpdatedLast cell shading improvement when freezing a column
Version 2.7.2
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- FixedPerformance issue when deleting over 60k rows
- FixedScan QR code to input text in form issue on iOS devices
- RemovedPage Design from the button action
- UpdatedLimit of common dataset synchronization is 50000 records
- Updatednetworkdays() function optimization
version 2.7.1
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- AddedA confirmation when the system admin deletes a team
- AddedStatistics table can be exported as an image
- FixedDaily base update email issue
- FixedFilter condition multiple selecting issue on the common dataset view
- FixedPerformance issue when de-selecting over 60k rows
- UpdatedCell conditional formatting UI improvement
- UpdatedCommon dataset improvement
- UpdatedEmpty rows in Excel won't be imported into SeaTable
- UpdatedMobile view support for setting row height
- UpdatedNotification email sending period is configurable
- Updatedquery app date result format improvement
- Updatedquery app optimization
- UpdatedRow details page focus color and multiple select style optimization
- Updatedsingle/multiple select filter conditions optimization
- UpdatedSystem admin's API request to delete personal users cannot be used to delete team users
Version 2.7.0
(Released on February 2, 2022)
- AddedA confirmation when adjusting column width on the mobile view
- AddedArchived data status display in the system admin panel
- AddedBase password
- AddedCell conditional formatting (Coloring)
- AddedConfirmation for deletion of rows on an archived view
- AddedData processing - ranking calculation
- Addeddefault value for date column type
- AddedKeyboard shortcuts to switch to the previous/next search result
- AddedNotice when there's no plugins/external apps in the base
- AddedScan QR code to fill in text on the form with your mobile device
- Addedsupport to update the statistics results into a table
- AddedSystem admin can view each external app's external page
- AddedTeam admin can enforce/deactivate 2FA for each individual member
- Addedtype-to-seach feature when mentioning other users with @ in the row comment
- FixedArchived view searching issue
- FixedBlue mask disappearance issue when clicking on a cell while scrolling groups
- FixedDate filter issue
- FixedDeveloper Edition mail sending issue
- FixedDuplicating a view won't copy its settings
- Fixedimage and file editing style
- FixedImage column download and rotation issue
- FixedIssue that the average calculation on the bottom is always null
- FixedIssue when deleting all records in a grouped view
- FixedIssue when restoring a deleted link cell
- FixedIssue with the statistics table if the summarization column is a date type
- FixedRating column issue when setting up color conditions
- FixedRow details page focus issue
- FixedSearch feature cannot highlight results in the locked columns
- FixedUndoing a change to a link cell with Ctrl+Z impossible
- FixedVertical line display issue when no column in the view is frozen
- FixedWording issue when the system admin deletes an invalid automation rule
- Removed"Export view to Excel" from the data collection table
- RemovedFavicon configuration from the admin page
- UpdatedA base can have no more than 300 collaborators
- UpdatedArchived records can be modified/deleted
- UpdatedCommon dataset sync improvement
- UpdatedFreezing multiple columns on the left
- Updatedlink columns and link formula can be displayed on a common dataset
- UpdatedMobile view bottom right round button menu improvement
- Updatednotification/automation rule can notify users from the link formula column
- UpdatedPerformance boost when there are over 1000 bases in a workspace
- UpdatedSpecial characters handling when importing a base
- UpdatedStatistics numeric column support for the lookup type
- UpdatedSystem admin can list all the archived bases (But cannot view them)
- Updateduser choice UI improvement
For detailed information about the major updates, see Release Note for 2.7.
For comments or questions: We would be glad to welcome you on the SeaTable Forum.